Chamonix Mountain Festival

ponedjeljak, 29.04.2013.

We are delighted to invite climbers, skiers and all mountain enthusiasts to the Chamonix Mountain Festival. This gathering, organised by mountaineers for mountaineers, will take place during the first week of June in the iconic Chamonix Mont-Blanc. Everybody will be welcome in this truly international meet. Whether you come on your own, with a group or with a partner, whether you have done Alpine climbing before or not, you will have a chance to enjoy some stunning Alpine classics or ski touring routes.

Arc'teryx, DMM, Blue Ice, Idris Skis, Valandre and other top-of-the-range brands will be providing equipment to test and the days out will be complemented by an exciting line up of talks and screenings. We will not reveal too much yet but you can already look forward to the new award-winning feature documentary film "Petit Dru - The Disintegrating Mountain", with Andy Parkin as guest and a lecture on the 1st ascent of the Mazeno Ridge of Nanga Parbat by the 2013 Piolets d’Or awarded Sandy Allan.

Where: Chamonix Mont-Blanc, French Alps

When: 1st - 8th June 2013

With accommodation in a beautiful historic building in the very centre of Chamonix, great French food, a mini information centre providing assistance on conditions and route choice and, most importantly, fellow mountaineers from all over the world, you can already start preparing a list of your dream ascents.

€60 per day includes accommodation, food - full board, everyday lift pass, conditions info, gear testing, lectures, films, etc.

(For comparison even a cheapest accommodation, food and a lift pass, which is around €50, would cost you around €100 per day if you come on your own!)

No age limit, no climbing grade limit!

Find more information and register at

And while you are at it, you can also follow the updates on



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