Val Grande In Verticale 2021 Climbing Meet
četvrtak, 12.08.2021.
U subotu i nedjelju, 4. i 5. rujna 2021. godine, po četvrti puta će se održati penjački susret Val Grande In Verticale. Održat će se u dolini Lanzo u Italiji, gdje će sudionici imati priliku penjati na granitu.
Val Grande nalazi se sedamdesetak kilometara od Torina, a u dolini postoje mnoge mogućnosti smještaja.
Pročitajte program susreta:
Saturday 04 September
- Starting from 09.00 registration and delivery of the participation package in the square behind the Savoia Hotel in Forno Alpi Graie;
- Climbing on the walls of the Vallone di Sea and the Val Grande, independently and under the responsibility of each participant;
- Starting at 10.00 a free climbing trial, aimed in particular at children and teenagers at the boulders of the Balme di Cantoira hamlet. Organized by the Youth Mountaineering School of the Cai Chieri subsection;
- Trad climbing course organized by the “Giusto Gervasutti” National School of Mountaineering. Compulsory registration by contacting Mr. Tachi Pesando at 347 / 468.58.50;
- Depending on the weather conditions, on Saturday or Sunday, a demonstration and tests of paragliding sails will be held by the Baratonga Flyer Flight Club and ASD Peter Pan Flight School in Forno Alpi Graie (behind Albergo Savoia). Possibility of two-seater flights (for a fee);
- 4.00 pm, at the Salone delle Feste in Cantoira, via della Chiesa, 28, presentation of the book "Gian Carlo Grassi a man a story" by R. Mantovani with the collaboration of E. Bonfanti and world premiere screening of the film "Gian Carlo Grassi, a man a story ”by E. Bonfanti. Free entry;
- 6.45 pm dinner at the “Cesarin” restaurant in Breno di Chialamberto. Set menu. Reservation at +39340 8685236 or +393395387420;
- 9.15 pm evening "From the Alps to Greenland in search of the perfect wall" by Federica Mingolla, athlete La Sportiva, at the Multifunctional Palace of Chialamberto, Cossiglia. Free entry.
Sunday 05 September
- Starting from 09.00 registration and delivery of the participation package in the square behind the Savoia Hotel in Forno Alpi Graie;
- Climbing on the walls of the Vallone di Sea and the Val Grande, independently and under the responsibility of each participant;
- Trad climbing course organized by the “Giusto Gervasutti” National School of Mountaineering. Compulsory registration by contacting Mr. Tachi Pesando at +393474685850;
- 9 am departure free excursion with the C.A.I. adhering to Valli di Lanzo in Vertical. Compulsory registration by Thursday 02 September. The planned excursion will start from Vru, a hamlet of Cantoira and will differ on different routes depending on the level of the participants. A visit to the Brunetta Mine is also planned. For info and meeting point contact sig. Paolo Schina at number +393355892663 or Mrs. Tiziana Ferrari at number +393398259235;
- MTB excursion to Bec di Mea (itinerary length: about 30 km; descent along the Stura to Pialpetta; ascent to the hamlet of Rivotti and then along the Rivotti - Bec di Mea - Alboni ring and back to Forno - difficulty MC). Meeting: 9 am in the square behind Albergo Savoia in Forno Alpi Graie. Excursion also open to e-bikes. Compulsory helmet, bike in order and adequate for the expected difficulty. Registration by Thursday 02 September. For info contact Mr. Diego Drago at +393485503818 or Mr. Guido Apostolo at number +393487431317
Sufinanciranje u iznosu od 1000 kuna bit će osigurano za prva dva naveza koja se prijave za sudjelovanje na Prijavljeni su u prijavi dužni priložiti sliku važeće iskaznice HPS-a za tekuću godinu. Nakon povratka, sudionici su dužni napisati izvještaj za internetsku stranicu Komisije za alpinizam te, dakako, diseminirati stečeno znanje i iskustvo u vlastitim odsjecima i šire.